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Rotating background photos of various activities at refuge presented randomly

Joyfully Connecting Our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge

February 2nd Saturday Work Party

  • February 08, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Tualatin River NWR

Registration is closed

Join the Friends of Tualatin River NWR in preparing our purple martin hotels for their Spring occupants!

Every Spring, a population of purple martins (a member of the swallow family) take up residence at Tualatin River NWR's purple martin hotels! These beautiful birds experience significant competition for suitable nest sites from barn swallows and invasive European starlings. These hotels provide a scarce and critical resource to these birds-a place to raise their young.

Join us this Saturday and lend a hand to get these hotels cleaned and prepared for our parenting purple pals, and come back in May to walk the seasonal trail and watch them appreciate our handiwork! These hotels are set up adjacent to the trail, and provide a phenomenal opportunity to watch these beautiful birds catch bugs, feed their young, and make laser gun sounds (!!!).

This event will take place in a covered area. Seating and restrooms will be available onsite. The work area is accessed via flat, paved surfaces, as well as a ~30' section of gravel trail. This event will be canceled in the event of hazardous weather or travel conditions. All training, tools, first aid supplies, and hot cocoa will be provided. Questions? Contact Bella Padgett

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    19255 SW Pacific Hwy
    Sherwood OR 97140

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the mission of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex     

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